Satan’s greatest deception?

If you have been watching the news lately, you have likely heard and seen news stories saying that Aliens and UFOs might actually exist! In the last few years some serious and credible people, some in our government and some outside, have come forward saying that these things are real. They maintain that the US government, along with other governments have known the truth, and have kept it secret for 70 plus years.

It is a fact, People throughout history have claimed to have had encounters with the unexplainable. Today, we have a greater ability to investigate and track such “encounters”. Investigators find that most claims of UFO/Alien encounters end up being hoaxes. Of the hundreds of reports each year that remain, many are explainable (ie natural phenomena, balloons, or secret military aircraft). There are some, however, a very small percentage that remain unexplainable. This is what we will focus on.

As a Christian, it can be difficult to navigate this topic, there are profound theological questions to be answered if humans are not alone in the universe. Should a believer even ponder these questions? I believe we should, why? Because right now, the World is speculating wildly about what is going on, they are trying to guess the nature and intent of the phenomenon. People of Biblical faith may hold the answer to these pressing questions. We believe that the Bible is relevant and crucial to all ontological questions. With this is mind, what are possible theological answers to the UFO/Alien question? What has God has revealed in His Word?

there’s something in the air

Something is very different about the current wave of interest in the Alien and UFO question. There are powerful people and governmental agencies revealing that they have a keen interest in the subject of UFOs. Recently, the powers that be have begun to refer to Aliens and UFOs in a different way, they are calling these enigmas NHIs and UAPs. The new classifications stand for Non-Human Intelligence and Unidentified Aerial or Anomalous Phenomenon. Some say this is an effort to present information on the subject in a more clear and less stigmatizing way. Regardless, we are hearing these terms more and more, and they are coming from our government agencies, under an umbrella of urgency and fear, as matter of national security. Is the World population being set up for a coming crisis?

Would it surprise you if I said almost half of the people in the US believe in some vague higher power, rather than God as described in the Bible? Probably not, we can see that people do not want to be accountable to any God. How does this tie into the subject of NHIs and UAPs? There is an undeniable connection between what is happening in the area of NHIs and UAPs, and the current spiritual state of our nation and world.

First, consider four possibilities when it comes to NHIs and UAPs:

In the preceding statements, the word “real” should be understood by its traditional definition of actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed“. Also, for now, set aside assigning any specific nature to NHEs and UAPs.

Only one of statements above can be correct.

Because I believe in God and Jesus Christ, I could accept statement #2 or #4. An Atheist could only accept #1 and #3 of course. At this basic level, there is very little difference between the faith of a believer and the faith of an Atheist. Faith is “believing in, or putting one’s trust in, someone or something“. We Christians put our trust in God who we have not seen, while maintaining that there is ample evidence from creation, and history, to support God’s existence. Our faith is not without evidence. Atheists put their trust in “Nothing” because they believe that the World around them, and history, provide ample evidence that “Nothing” created the universe and all that is in it. So they bring their evidence to the table, but in reality they worship the “god” of themselves.

It is said that “seeing is believing”, Based on the above, the statement “seeing is not believing”, can be true as well. Conclusions about how all things came to exist are rooted in, and constrained by, whatever worldview lens one looks through. Just because something is not seen, does not prove that said thing DOES NOT exist. We know this to be true. Likewise, even though something is seen, does not prove that said thing DOES exists. Why? because there is evil in our world. Confused? let’s look to the Bible.

the angel of light, prince of darkness

Satan is the Master Deceiver and evil men are known to be impostors. Satan can transform himself into an Angel of Light. It is not a stretch to say that Satan and his minions might possibly have a hand in, and be actively manipulating people the area of NHIs and UAPS. The Bible tells us Satan and his demons are roaming the Earth and he deceives the whole world. Timothy was warned that evil impostors, and their deceptions would get worse and worse.

Believers are not immune to being deceived , however we cannot be harmed by Satan or his evil demons. We can stand against them because we have the Holy Spirit and are in Christ. However, the Bible warns us though, to be alert for deceptive people, because their master is the Devil. Evil people can and do hurt others, especially Christians, this happens every minute all over the World.

Back to the question: “What does the spiritual state of the World have to do with what is going on with NHEs and UAPs?” Simply this. The World is a fertile field, ready and willing to accept any deception that gets planted. We saw it with Covid. Perhaps an “Alien threat” is going to be next? What great way to get a whole lot of people to believe that God does not exist right? Unknown entities have been tilling the soil of this deception for many, many years. The UFO/Alien phenomenon may be the greatest deception Satan has conceived since the Garden of Eden. Whether it turns out to be Satan, and his demons, or governments and powerful evil men, there is no denying there is narrative being constructed that the World will be confronted with. There is only hope for a gullible and unbelieving world, is to be set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

the truth is out there

“The truth is out there” and “I want to believe” are catchphrases of the UFO/Alien believer. Believers in Christ actually do have THE truth, and not only that, we have THE life. Both are perfected in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Satan failed to upend Heaven, he can and will upend the Earth, but his time is short. Ultimately the TRUTH wins, just as it did when Satan and his followers were cast out from God’s presence after rebelling.

Revelation 12:8 (NKJV)

Revelation 12:10 (NKJV)

NHIs and UAPs are in fact NOT real and there IS a God. This is what I believe. I will believe this no matter what evidence I see because I know where truth is found. Jesus, who witnessed Satan’s fall, gives those who believe in him, power over the enemy of truth. Our rejoicing comes however, not from this, but because we will be welcomed into heaven. Satan and all who follow his deceptions, will not get into heaven. Their future is an eternal torment and separation from the God of truth, light, and life!

Luke 10:18-20 (NKJV)

NHIs and UAPs are in fact real and there IS a God. Although I cannot see how the preceding statement would be accepted by believers, given the ability of Satan and demons to deceive. Let’s say there was no deception, and we accepted the phoneomenon as real. There must still be a creator God, who for some unknown reason, did not give us the full story of what He created. This would not cancel out the truth of everything else presented in God’s Word. Faith in what Christ did for humanity is still an amazing act of love. How non-humans “if they exist” fit in, and relate to God would be understood by us eventually, in heaven. There can be no contradictions or issues in God’s nature, in His dealings with all He created. The Just One would remain so.

We, even now, do not have all the answers when it comes to God, and heaven. We give God the Glory for what we do know, and trust Him for all we do not know. By doing so we stand strong in Christ, against the deceptions of all evil forces. Some day, maybe soon, will see the Author of Truth and Life, as we pass from death to life everlasting! Jesus the Redeemer is ready to gather us. The Father just has to say “It’s time”.

Amen and Maranatha!

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